How to build connection in your digital marketing and make more sales

One thing that small, creative businesses tend to struggle with is building an effective digital marketing strategy without it feeling ‘icky'. When your work is your passion and not just a paycheque, it’s important to feel authentic and keep your integrity intact. However, finding the balance between staying authentic and making enough money to pay the bills can be tricky… (wait, did I just unintentionally rhyme?)

So how do we do this? We need to connect with our audience and online community!

Let's dive into the art of communication in marketing and how to build those meaningful connections.

Know your audience.

This is the number one step in any marketing strategy. You need to know who you are providing your valuable services for. What makes them tick? What do they love? What do they hate? What do they need help with? Right down to how they feel when they wake up in the morning!

The more work we can do for this step, the better. The more connected your audience is to your content, the more likely they will stop and listen. And when they stop and listen enough times, they realise that you know your shit. And when they know that YOU know what you are talking about, you are the first person they turn to when they are ready to invest in the help they need.

Find something that works for you and your industry. You could set up an Instagram poll and collect data in a fun and laid-back way. Or, you could create a Google form to collect responses to a survey and make it into a competition. For example, by taking part in your survey they could win a power hour with you or a coaching session around something they need help with.

Don’t forget to utilise the people you have already worked with too. Ask them questions during or after your projects together and get feedback that will help you understand them and their needs.

Speak their language.

No one wants to read content they don’t understand or be made to feel stupid because they don’t know the jargon of your industry. It’s no fun to read a load of buzzwords you don’t understand! Read through the language your audience uses in the submissions on your surveys and in the comments of your social media posts. Strike up a conversation and note the words they use in casual conversation when talking about the topics they need help with. When you speak in a language that they can understand, you are telling them a story that they can connect with.

Stay as authentic as possible.

In a world of filters and highlight reels, be as true as you possibly can to yourself. Be genuine, be yourself and let your personal brand shine through! People buy from people that they can emotionally connect with and they want to know the person behind the content.

An authentic brand voice is incredibly important when it comes to marketing and content, you need a unique way to talk to your audience that reflects you and your personality. Do you write your content in a fun or friendly tone of voice? Do you swear in your content or are you strictly professional? All of this plays a part in your marketing strategy.

Yes I know the above image has nothing to do with this blog post, but it sure is pretty huh?

Stop and listen… it works both ways!

Not only do we want your audience to stop and listen to you, but we need you to listen too! As we know, communication is not just about what WE say, it’s about what we hear too. Engage with people in the comments on your social media posts. Ask them questions and focus on their answers. This will not only help with market research on what your ideal clients need from you but it will also help with our earlier point: language! This two-way street with build a connection that goes beyond selling.

Tell compelling stories.

Stories have been our way of connecting for millennia. They grab attention, evoke emotions, and make your brand memorable. Whether it's sharing your journey, customer success stories, or the inspiration behind your product, storytelling is the heart and soul of communication in marketing.

So, how does all of that feel? I know that selling can feel gross. Especially as creatives who more than likely hate being sold to… But something that sets small businesses apart from the big bozos is that we genuinely care about our clients and customers. So why not connect with them authentically and with genuine care?