4 Components for creating a cohesive brand identity for your small business

We all know the power of a stand-out brand identity. The big companies have it nailed to the point where we just need to see certain shapes or colours and we can recognise the brand, (Errr hello Maccies) but when we don’t have the massive marketing budgets that the big guys have, how can we build a cohesive brand identity for our small businesses? Keep reading and I’ll let you in on some tips!

A brilliant brand not only helps you stand out from the other businesses and allows people to recognise you in a sea of competition BUT it also evokes emotions and feelings, letting our audience connect with our work and passions on a deeper level.

In this blog post, I’ll be chatting about the core components of brand identity and what we need to think about so our business branding catches the eye of our ideal clients. Are you ready - let’s goooooo!

The Power of Visuals

Your visuals are the first thing a potential customer or client sees of your business. Whether that is your logo, the imagery you use or the colours that you align with your brand etc, a strong visual identity builds recognition, connection and trust.

Here’s how to nail it:

  • Your logo is the face of your brand. Ensure it's simple, versatile, and timeless. Learn about colour psychology and choose colours that align with how you want your customers and clients to feel when working with you.

  • Select fonts that align with your brand's personality. Typography should be consistent across all materials - I’d recommend around 3 fonts to use for different heading styles and normal text. You can have loads of fun with the fonts but remember first and foremost - your audience needs to be able to read it!!

  • Your choice of images, graphics, and photography should be in sync with your brand's aesthetic and values. High-quality, relevant visuals can set you apart from the crowd! Look for stock imagery that is either royalty-free, (Unsplash is a fave free website of mine), sign up for a paid membership like Haute Stock for consistently updated stock imagery of a higher quality or if you can budget it, book a branding photoshoot - I highly recommend Karen from With Passion & Purpose if you’re based in the UK!

  • Maintain consistency in all visual elements to create a cohesive look. This includes using the same fonts, colours, and imagery across all platforms. A fun and creative way to do this is to create your own brand playbook - a guide that reminds you how to use all the elements of your brand together.

Communicating the Right Message

Your messaging is what connects your visuals with your target audience. This is how you directly communicate your brand’s personality, values and benefits - i.e it is the Here are some tips on how to do it:

  • What sets your brand apart from the competition? Identify your Unique Selling Point and make it a central part of your messaging.

  • Understand the needs, desires, and pain points of your ideal clients / target audience. Tailor your messaging to resonate with them.

  • Define your brand's voice and tone - are you playful, professional, or empathetic? Consistency is key to building recognition.

  • Focus on how your product or service benefits your customers, not just its features. Explain how you can improve their lives!!

  • Weave storytelling into your brand. Stories engage and connect with people on an emotional level, plus literally everybody in the world is a little nosey (I don’t care what you say) and people buy from people.

For a more in-depth look at communication and building connection with your digital marketing, read this blog post on How to build connection in your digital marketing and make more sales’.

Mastering the Art of Story-telling

Great brand storytelling is suuuuper important for everyday marketing. This is how you can connect with your audience on an emotional level and allow them to relate to both you and the services that you offer. But what should you talk about?

Creating a cohesive brand identity for your small business
  • Share the story of how your brand came into being. People love to know the journey behind the product or service - remember, I said that deep down we are all a bit nosey.

  • Use real-life customer success stories to demonstrate the impact of your brand. It's literal proof of your amazingness and a great way to build trust!

  • Communicate your brand's core values. It shows that you're more than just a business and your ideal client will more than likely have the similar values to you, therefore this content will resonate with them.

  • Create a content strategy that aligns with your brand's story and values. Share relevant, engaging content on your website and social media. Start with long form content and recycle it across your different media channels.

  • Maintain a consistent narrative across all platforms and materials. It reinforces your brand identity and makes it memorable and recognisable.

The Customer Journey

A seamless customer journey can do wonders. Not only will your clients want to come back for more but they will be more likely to recommend working with you if it has been a gorgeous experience from start to finish.

You should think about:

  • Website Experience.

    Ensure that your website is user-friendly, mobile-responsive, and aligned with your brand's aesthetics and messaging. Check all your buttons and hyperlinks!!!

  • Social Media Presence.

    Your social media profiles should reflect your brand identity, from the visuals to the tone of your posts, to the content that you share.

  • Packaging and Presentation.

    If applicable, make sure your physical products and packaging align with your brand identity. First impressions matter! We all love receiving a beautiful and well thought out package in the post!

And there we have it! The first four components you need to consider when it comes your brand identity.

Each element plays a distinct role but comes together to create a memorable brand.

So, dive into the creative process, stay true to your values, and embark on the journey of building a brand that people not only recognise but ADORE.

Your brand identity is your story, and it’s time you were proud to shout about it from the rooftops!

If you are struggling with all of this and would love some help, I’d love to have a chat! Book a discovery call with me and we can discuss taking your brand and website to the next level.

Rosie Casson