Why you need an email welcome sequence and where to start

Do you have a welcome sequence set up as part of your email marketing strategy?

When you run a small business and are wearing all of the hats, you don’t want to be manually emailing all of your new subscribers and leads to welcome them into the fold. BUT you want them to feel nurtured and that they made the right decision in signing up to your list. 

This is where the email onboarding sequence comes in.

This is an automated sequence of emails that get triggered as soon as someone signs up to your list. 

Your first welcome email is likely going to be the most opened email that you send, so it’s important to get that and the subsequent emails right! 

PLUS let’s be honest. If you have a lead magnet set up to entice people onto your list, chances are those people have no idea who you are when they sign up. They’ve probably found your downloadable freebie via Pinterest or Google and have signed up without a second thought. Therefore let’s introduce ourselves! Let’s tell them the wonderful value we can add to their life / business etc. 

And just a note on lead magnets… you do NOT need a different welcome sequence for every lead magnet. Yes, you do need a separate delivery email for all of them, but in most email marketing softwares (I use Flodesk) you can set it up so once they receive your lead magnet they can get added to your welcome sequence. That’s the beauty of a segmented email list, baby!

Even if you aren’t the most consistent with your emails, at least you know you’ve got a system set up that welcomes in your subscribers and does the work for you for a little while! 

Email marketing is essential for building trust with your audience - ultimately the goal with any small business marketing is to get your audience to buy from you. People buy from businesses and people that they live and trust. Your email list is full of magic potential.

The best part? All you need to do is write your email welcome sequence once and set it up in your marketing software and then sit back and relax! (OR at least get on with the tasks in your business that light you up).

A few things to include in your email welcome sequence:

  • An introduction to you and your business. 

  • What to expect from your emails - how often do you send them and what value will you be offering?

  • Special discounts, bonuses and freebie offers.

  • An overview of all of the ways that you can help them.

Want to dive in deeper? Download my free guide on how to write your email welcome sequence here and let’s get nurturing those sign ups!